Friday, October 9, 2020

Book Review: The Temptation of Adam

Given the changes in the YA book climate, I've been avoiding most new YA books. I don't wish to go down avenues publishers seem to believe everyone wants to explore. Finding a clean, uplifting YA book seems as unlikely as opening my son's door to see a pristine room. Maybe I should open my son's door and give a look. This realistic YA novel offers hard-hitting truth about life, faces down the intense challenges of addiction, and yet remains wholesome. I hear angels singing at the rarity of it all.

The Temptation of Adam (clever title!) presents a story that is certainly surging through our youth population at the moment. Adam Hawthorne is reeling from his expulsion from school. The author does an excellent job of holding reader attention because we don't discover the cause of his expulsion until mid-way through the novel. The implosion of his family might explain any kind of errant behavior. His mother left and his adored older sister felt she should go with her. Adam struggles to get along with his distant father. It seems all the man cares about is an unsuccessful attempt to get his wife back. Thus, are we really surprised that Adam has been swept into the maelstrom of porn addiction? People aren't safe. Porn seems safe. Alas, it comes with a price tag.

This novel offers so much: intense conflict, desperation, romance, insecurity, and - best of all - hope. I believe this is a very important book for young men to read. Porn is so readily available to our sons. We can take steps to prepare them for the temptation (see my book review of an outstanding tool, Good Pictures, Bad Pictures), but it is up to them to resist the lure of relationship-damaging lies. They are being fed images that leave them craving more, while it sucks their soul into the downward spiral. The author handled this difficult topic well and reminded teen readers that they are not only "not alone" but also not defined by their addiction. Well done, Dave Connis! Well done! 

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