Thursday, January 5, 2023

2022 Reading Analysis

I read 73 books in 2022. These books held 21,492 pages (of those pages, I listened to 343.75 hours of audio books). I read more fiction (43) than non-fiction (30) and more adult (63) than youth (10). As far as ratings, I think it was a great year. Most books (93%) were rated 3👍 or greater:

👍👍👍👍👍 - 9 books

👍👍👍👍-1/2 - 12 books

👍👍👍👍 - 16 books

👍👍👍-1/2 - 14 books

👍👍👍 - 17 books

👍👍-1/2 - 2 books

👍👍 - 2 books

👎 - 1 book



Gretchen said...

You inspire me to read more and keep track of what I've read! When do you listen to the audio books?

Wendy Hill said...

Gretchen, I am always on the hunt for a good, clean audio book to listen to while I ride my recumbent bike and walk on the treadmill. That used to consume 40 minutes every morning, but knee pain and treadmill shorting issues have cut that almost in half. Now, the majority of my audio book time is while driving to and fro in the car. Plus, I often have to wait ten to thirty minutes for my son to get out from weightlifting after school. The problem is finding quality audio books.