Friday, November 30, 2012

Seven Quick Takes

1.)  My novel!  I finished the Letters from Anne novel on November 27th after writing 65,347 words.  I'm pleased with it.  I will let it sit for a few months and then begin the whole tedious revision process.  I don't know if it will ever make it to print, but it was a fun endeavor and I enjoyed writing it.  I think it was even a bit therapeutic for me.

2) I attempted two new recipes this month.  The first one, "The Unsloppy Joe," which I noted on-line and decided to try, turned out to be a very, very sloppy joe.  It was basically sloppy joe meat mixture, crammed with cheese into a Grands biscuit.  The tough part was the cramming.  I ended up with messy fingers, a messy counter and very messy-looking pastries.  They DID taste good, but I'll never try it again because it was a disaster to put together.  They have another easier recipe which cooks in a muffin pan.  I think I'll try that next time.

3)The second recipe I searched for on the Internet because I had a can of sweetened condensed milk that was nearing its out date.  I discovered a recipe for truffles and also had some dark chocolate chips which needed to be used up soon, so the recipe seemed perfect.  Once again, the actual making turned out to be messy and very unattractive.  In fact, they look like poop chunks.  But, the end result was still tasty.  I'm guessing there won't be any left by the time my family comes for their visit at the end of the coming month.

4) I have been desperate to capture a photo of us, or at least the kids, for a Christmas card this year, but it seems like the fates are against me.  Two weeks back, I had everyone dress up and told them that after church we would ask someone to take our photo.  It was only while I was sitting in the pew that I realized that I had forgotten to bring my camera along.  Groan.  The following week (last Sunday), I remembered the camera and we asked the pastor's wife to take the photo.  When she tried with my camera, all she could get were blurry pictures (darn this camera for not having image stabilization).  So, she offered to take them on her more professional camera and e-mail me. I still haven't heard a word. I know she's busy so I feel bad asking about when she's going to send them.  So far, these are the best photos of the boys that I could come up with:

5) Plus, my sister took this lovely photo of me when she came for a visit and we took a walk on our property. 

6) During the walk, we chanced upon the dying body of a small cat (almost a kitten, really).  It was quite sad.  We had noticed the little black cat near our front porch on Sunday morning.  Then, Monday morning, Bryce called just after leaving for school (he's driving himself to school these days) to say that there was a cat in the garage.  John and I went out to see if we could shoo it out. It had pooped and peed in the garage - urgh!  The poop was green and John realized that the cat had eaten the poison that he had put out for a mouse that is in the garage.  Poor thing finally ran out of the garage and into the woods.  When my sister and I chanced upon it later, it was still breathing, but frozen with its eyes open.  So sad and I don't even like cats.

7) I snagged this lovely photo from Facebook.  The two sisters are my nieces.  Beautiful women!

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