Thursday, February 23, 2023

Book Review: 12 Weeks to a Sharper You

Once again, I was in the library with only moments to spare for perusing the audio selections. This book, by Sanjay Gupta, MD, was short and looked interesting. I needed a short book because I was due to leave on my FL/TX trip soon. This is a very practical and accessible guide to making changes for your brain's health. Each week focuses on establishing new habits in things like diet, sleep, movement, and challenges. Since I waited to write this review after returning from my trip, my brain is not as sharp - ha! I did jot down a few notes after listening. Here are my brief blurbs from the book:

- "Forgetting is as important as remembering."

- "Neurons wire together if they fire together."

- "If you've met one Alzheimer's patient, you've met one Alzheimer's patient."

If brain health is important to you, this is an excellent book with practical steps to improve not only your brain health, but by extension, whole body health. I think with my recent trip I tackled one of his suggested goals: try to do something scary every day. If you don't stretch yourself, you'll never grow. Take care of your brain; it's the only one you'll ever have!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Sounds like another interesting book.