Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another Great Blog Find

I have been frolicking my day away on this Valentine's Day. My husband's Valentine's Day present was to give me some time alone. O.K., make that semi-alone. ES is here with me, so quiet is not part of the mix.

Side note: ES wanted to purchase Rock Band for his X-Box 360. To be honest, I was thinking, "why in the world does the boy need to waste more of his money for something he already owns on Playstation 2?" but it was his own money and he argued that he can play "live," with his friends. So, yesterday, we headed (I hobbled) to Walmart. They didn't have the game available, but ES found the drums for only $9.95. I was certain that he had misread the sign so we called over an employee. She assured us that the sign was accurate. It was some sort of promotional deal and was priced low because it doesn't include the guitar or microphone (something ES didn't really care about). It was such a good deal that the checkout clerk wouldn't believe the price when it rang up (it comes in a fairly huge box). She called back to clarify and was as astonished as we had been. Next, the person at the door stopped us and insisted on looking at our receipt (with a price that low, it did sort of feel like we were getting a "steal"). It was quite comical.

He was able to purchase a used game at Game Stop for $29. Thus, instead of quiet, I've been serenaded all day with his drumming. Good thing he is such a talented drummer. He is very excited about it and can't wait to show it to MS (MS has been playing the Playstation Rock Band and is getting better every day).

So, where is MS? Well, back to my Valentine's Day gift: Hubby left yesterday afternoon to take MS and YS to Grandma's house for the weekend. This was especially appreciated since I am trying to stay off my foot during these early days of recovery from the wart-removal surgery.

I'm hoping to wake feeling super-energetic so that I can clean the house before they return in the afternoon (that will be my gift to hubby, since he cannot tolerate the mess those two little boys wreak on our house). Today, I read, took a fat nap and took ES out for dinner - Valentine's Day bliss!

As I was reading the Sunday paper, I came across an address for an interesting new blog. The Indy Star offers a little blurb in their Books section called "What Hoosiers are reading." Today's blurb featured a 4th grader who is tackling a goal of reading all 89 John Newbery Medal winners. Her blog at offers up brief reviews of the books that she is reading. What a delightful girl! What a fantastic goal!


Laura said...

wow, thanks for sharing my blog!

Wendy Hill said...

Laura - I couldn't help but share it. You have made an excellent goal and it is so refreshing to read the thoughts and opinions of a kid reading good books.

Laura said...

I finished this morning (at 8:03 A.M.)!!! Have you ever read The Story of Mankind? If not, it is one that I would steer away from.