Tuesday, January 12, 2010

You Thought Your Kids Were Demanding?

This was another post I had intended to add prior to Christmas. Back then we were on Mama Mouse's third litter and Daughter Mouse's second litter - a combined total of 17 pinkies (although in the videos they already have their white hair). I was just flabbergasted to watch the mama mouse feeding all 17 one night. Later, I captured a second video of both mothers working together to feed the vast litters.

At the moment, we have another combined litter - this time 22 total. If hubby doesn't take Papa Mouse back to the pet store soon, we may end up with wall to wall mice in that meager aquarium.

Plus ... the dog HAS TO GO! I placed an ad in the paper today. We are praying we will find a family to love him and at least get a small portion of our expenses back. Poor Harley! I think the only one who will miss him is YS (and he's already missing Sleepy Bear, who has been lost ... inside the house somewhere ... for a record FOUR days!).

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