Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Silent Snippet of My Life

This afternoon, I was counting my blessings. After getting completely filthy this morning, I had put the two little guys in the tub and then prepared a quick lunch for them. We sat eating our lunch on the porch and I was basking in the joy of our isolated lifestyle (granted, most of the time, I am complaining about our isolation). MS kept repeating something my dad had said when my parents visited this summer, "It feels like we're eating right in the woods!"

So, here's a glimpse of what our life looks like when we are enjoying a relaxed pace, eating lunch on the back porch:


Lucy said...

Wendy, your boys are adorable. I don't know if the sound was supposed to be off (your title suggests it was) but your surroundings are amazing. It's like a little Garden of Eden right outside! I'm glad you had the moment you had;)

Anonymous said...

Thankful that you can appreciate the tranquility along with the chaos of raising young boys. It looks wonderful. The rear of our house faces woods and there is a peace about nature that just draws you in if you allow it. Peace to you, my wonderful cousin!! ~Karin

Wendy Hill said...

Lucy - It is like a little garden of Eden, isn't it? I always loved peaceful moments on this porch before we moved here. I need to snatch as many as I can. (Yes, my basic digital camera doesn't have sound with the video.)

Karin - I'm guessing your house is quite beautiful as well. Wish you had more time to sit and enjoy it! I'm guesing you're better at maintaining your surroundings than I am, too. I wish I knew more about plants. I wish I didn't have a black thumb.